This Week at DSA, 9/7

No PTSA Meeting on October 7, we look forward to seeing you at our Nov 4 meeting.


The DSA PTSA is looking for committee Co-Chairs:

  • Concessions
  • Back Stage Event Supervision
  • Scenery Saturday/Props/Pre-Performance Prep
  • Reflections

Chairs are members of the Board and attend Board meetings.  Contact to volunteer and list what committee.


10/7    5:30pm    Junior Parent/Student Meeting with Counselor    Cafeteria

       6-7 pm  PTSA Board of Directors – Room 306

       7 pm    Curriculum Night Presentation   Theater

  • Staff will present and overview of each departments curriculum and expectations
  • District update on AdvanED/SACS progress
  • Overview of school and district data

10/9    Picture Retakes

10/11   9 Week Grade Posting


10/14   School Closed – Furlough for 10 and 11 month staff

10/16   PSAT

       Senior College Visit Day

10/17   9 Week Progress reports issued

10/19   SPA Dance – Galaxy Gala  7-11pm  Tickets $10 in advance – no tickets sold at the door

       See Mr Landes for tickets.

10/29   Vocal Department Concert  7 pm

       Avondale Baptist Church

Emory Lavista Parent Council

Join us at 9:15 am  (refreshments begin at 8:45 am)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Hawthorne Elementary

2535 Caladium Drive NE

Atlanta, GA 30345

Charters, Choices, and Change

A Town Hall Meeting on Charter Clusters

Counselor’s Corner

Governor Honors Program Application are in available in the counseling office.  All completed applications must be submitted by October 8, 2013.

The 2013-2014 United States Senate Youth Program applications  are now available.  The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) was created to help outstanding high school students broaden their knowledge and understanding of Congress and the legislative process in our nation’s capital.  Each year, the USSYP sends two delegates from every state to spend a week in Washington, D.C., where they study our government firsthand.  The 2014 program will be March 8-15, 2014.  There is also a $5,000 college scholarship for each delegate.

More information about the USSYP HERE.

GA Teens Ride with PRIDE

GA Teens Ride with PRIDE

(Parents Reducing Injuries and Driver Error -a FREE, National Award- Winning two-hour course designed to help parents and their new (or soon to be) teen drivers, ages 14-16, learn what they need to do during the 40 hours of supervised practice driving time required by Georgia law. There are no attendance restrictions. You may attend P.R.I.D.E. anywhere a class is offered.

Updates and Reminders

PTSA Reflections contest local school deadline is October 24. See Mr. Mastrogiacomo for details or visit

Professional head shots: There are still 4 slots available for professional head shots on October 12. Contact Mr. Mastrogiacomo with $25 reservation fee. The professional package will cost $75 total. All proceeds go towards the DSA Media/Film Department. Reservation deadline October 9.

Student Pick-up – Please make arrangements to pick up your students in a timely manner after rehearsals. Most rehearsals end at 5:30 or 7 pm. Staff cannot leave until the last child is off campus, so please be considerate of the teachers’ time.

DSA Website: Our DSA web-site will migrate to a new format on October 14. The site will still be accessed at If pages or information is missing, please be patient as we work to update all information. Special thanks to Ms. Anne Kosmicki who has assisted in maintaining the current site over the past two years. We have greatly appreciated her expertise.

School Connects DSA is now active with the SchoolConnects messaging service. Through SchoolConnect, we can send out specific phone or email messages relevant to events at DSA. To make sure you are receiving the information, make sure to update phone and email contacts through the ParentPortal.

The October Yearbook Sale Event is happening. Seniors may purchase ads through Halloween at last year’s prices: $150, $80, $50, $30. There are only 8 pages remaining to sell. Yearbooks are $70 through Halloween. There are only 50 left for purchase. Go to or send payment to Mr. Yawn at the school.

Chaperone Needed: A drama parent is needed to help chaperone the Drama Ensemble trip to Georgia Theatre Conference (GTC) October 10-12. We will be leaving DSA at7a on Thursday, October 10 and returning about 8p on Saturday night. If you can chaperone please contact Candace Lambert. Transportation, hotel and conference fee is paid for, so the chaperone will only have to pay for their food.