Nominating Committee Needs YOU!

The Nominating Committee is charged with nominating an eligible person for each office to be filled on the 2015-2016 Executive Board. The slate of officer nominees shall be posted at least ten days prior to the General PTSA meeting in April. The election of new officers will take place at the April PTSA meeting. Please consider serving on this vital committee. We have four more spots (two committee members and two alternates) to be filled for this year’s committee. If you are a member of the DSA PTSA and would like to serve on the nominating committee or have any questions, please email Lyn Brown at lynbrown115@gmail.com.

Seeking 2015 – 2016 Committee Chairs

It’s never too early to start planning for next year! If you currently serve as Chair/Co-Chair of a DSA PTSA committee and would like to return to that position next year please contact Lyn Brown, or any member of the Executive Board, to let them know. For those if you considering where you will plug in for next year, please visit the PTSA website to check out the list of standing committees. There are plenty of ways to get involved with the DSA PTSA. Everyone is welcome to join the fun!!