This Week at DSA, February 22, 2015

This week at DSA

2/23-26 New Student Auditions. 4-8 pm (parent volunteers still needed)

Updates and Reminders

Sign up here to volunteer for new student audition week.

The Georgia Milestones is the new assessment system for the State of Georgia. Students in grades 3-8 will take the “End of Grade” (EOG) and grades 9-12 will take “End of Course” (EOC) assessments. Here is the latest information on the new testing.

Opportunities are still available for public input on DCSD’s superintendent search. Go to the district’s website for the latest information:

Are you receiving calling post messages from DSA? If not, we do not have updated home or cell phone contact numbers for your family in Infinite Campus. Please send updated information to school with your child so we can have the most accurate information for parental contact for any occasion.

The on-line stakeholder link for the DCSD Superintendent Search is still active. Visit to take the survey.

Parents – please take a moment to complete the Georgia School Climate Survey. This information will be used to assist the school in monitoring and supporting all aspects of the DSA program. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

DCSD information

PROACT Search and the DeKalb County School District are in the process of preparing the background information and documentation for the search, including a formal position profile and application. Part of this process involves an extensive, in-depth period of stakeholder engagement. Please feel free to participate in this process through an online survey.

You may access the link through either of the two links below. It is available in multiple languages on both websites. Please share this information with any other stakeholders and encourage them to share their thoughts.

Access via the DeKalb County School District weblink
Access via PROACT Search weblink

Keep up with progress on the superintendent search with the DCSD superintendent search information page.