Proposed Budget, 2015-2016


DeKalb School of the Arts
Proposed Budget
Carryover from 2013-14 $15,142.00
Membership dues $1,775.00
Spirit Gear $5,000.00
Agendas $675.00
Enrichment Fund (actual to date, $14,805) $15,000.00
Teacher Appreciation $2,570.00
Volunteer Hours $200.00
Other Cash Donations $300.00
Total Income, Including Carryover $40,662.00
Petty Cash $100.00
Parent Communications/Copying
Volunteer Spot $210.00
Website Hosting $160.00
Constant Contact/MailChimp $140.00
Office Supplies/Copies $250.00
Checking Account Fees/Merchant Fees $500.00
PTSA Audit/Tax Prep/Insurance $500.00
Returned Check Fees $100.00
Total Administrative $1,960.00
Teacher Appreciation/Conference/Food $2,570.00
PTSA Spa Banquet Awards $400.00
Yes I Can Scholarship, 2014-15 $1,000.00
Yes I Can Scholarship, 2015-2016 $1,000.00
Tim Redovian Memorial Fund $500.00
Family in Need $100.00
Faculty in Need $100.00
Volunteer Recognition $250.00
Teacher/Staff of the Year Award $200.00
Reflections $500.00
Total Awards $4,050.00
Student Activity Support
Fringe Festival $500.00
Junior Class Prom $500.00
Back to School Picnic $1,015.00
Students in the Performing Arts (SPA) Dance $500.00
SPA Banquet $1,750.00
Graduation Venue $1,500.00
AP Testing Snacks $400.00
Stamps for Final Report Cards $200.00
Spring Honors $500.00
Spirit Wear $3,800.00
Agendas $1,192.00
Total Student Activity Support $11,857.00
Focal Efforts
School Improvements $500.00
Media Center Paint $1,114.00
Media Center Broadcast Stage $500.00
Security Golf Cart $3,800.00
Department Grant $1,000.00
Classroom Supplement Grant/Speakers $500.00
Touring Groups (BHT, DRC, Highleit, Drama Ensemble, Pro Arte, Theatre for Young Audiences) $2,500.00
Thespian Festival Transportation $1,000.00
Box Office Software/Subscription $500.00
Student Initiated Project Grant
Enrichment Incentive
Total Focal Efforts $11,414.00
PTSA Dues and Subscriptions
PTSA Dues (DeKalb Council) $100.00
PTSA Dues (DeKalb, individuals) $1,400.00
PTSA Dinner Tickets (DeKalb Council)
PTSA Training Conference (Georgia)
Incorporation Renewal $30.00
Total PTSA Dues and Subscriptions $1,530.00
State and County PTSA Donation
Gladys Cook Scholarship (DeKalb Council) $100.00
Jim Cherry Emergency Clothing Fund (DeKalb County) $50.00
Arts in Education-Reflections (Georgia) $50.00
Total State and County PTSA Donation $200.00
Printing Programs $4,000.00
Discretionary $1,000.00
Start-up (2016-17) $2,000.00
Total, Other $7,000.00
Total Expenses $40,581.00
Net Operating Balance $81.00