Volunteer Notes

VOLUNTEERS: Thank You for Making a Difference!

Some housekeeping notes for you:

*Please keep track of your volunteer hours by simply retaining either your confirmations or your assignment reminder from Signup.com.  Keep them as a Record of Proof for volunteering.

*When you donate items such as food, drinks, etc, please send an email stating how much you spent on the purchase to the volunteer coordinator WITHIN TWO WEEKS after you have worked your assignment to receive credit hours towards your donation. A receipt snapshot is not necessary. Expect to receive a confirmation email for you to retain as a record of proof within a week,

The confirmation email will note the number of hours earned for your donation. Donations equate to 1 hour credit for each $5 increment you spend.

*DSA Volunteerism outside of the normal DSA PTSA scheduled events will be reviewed with the PTSA Board and/or DSA administration when necessary.

A confirmation email will be sent to you with how to receive ‘general’ credit hours for volunteering.

Your DSA Volunteer Coordinators

Email: dsa.ptsa.volunteers@gmail.com