Meeting Minutes, August 18, 2012

DeKalb School of the Arts
PTSA General Meeting Minutes
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Call to Order 11:37 am
Welcome/Introduction Marney Mayo, PTSA Vice President
Pledge of Allegiance Marney Mayo
Review of Minutes: April, 2012 Approval of Previous Minutes: approved

Treasurers Report
• Review of the Treasurers report
• Bill Spinks directed membership to the minutes from the previous meeting of April 12, 2112 (provided as a handout) and minutes were approved
• Bill Spinks walked the membership through the budget (also in handout) and pointed out the following:
o Carry over from previous year for the year 2011-2012 was $11,161.04
o We ended the year with $4,931.02 and the Goal for carry over to next year is also $4,931.02
o Pointedly, we must raise more income in this year to meet a nominally increased expense budget, and that income must come from member contributions
o If necessary, the board will recommend an amended budget mid-year

• Susan McCauley, DSA Principal introduced the teachers and staff who were present
• Cameron Capers, President of the Student Government Association described the big/little
sibling program and announced that matches were posted outside the gym and in the cafeteria.
• Ms. McCauley acknowledged and introduced Mrs. Sherrill Redovian, president of the Tim Redovian Memorial Fund, then made the following announcements:
o The County budget cuts affecting magnet schools had their largest impact on the artistic teaching at DSA.
o The equivalent of 70 points were cut including the computer graphics teacher
o As staff finalizes the production program, more specific information about staffing adjustments will be made and shared.
• The Students for the Performing Arts (SPA) co-chairs, Clark McAlarney and Maddie Parker, announced that representatives from the different art specialties will meet on the first Friday of every month. Activities include inviting outside professionals and providing structure and organization for students.
• Sue Briss and Florena Oliver announced the approval of the DSA Foundation last Monday.
o The Foundation provides a tax deductible vehicle for funds to support DSA academics and arts
o The Foundation plans to collect donations from the current DSA community as well as reach out to alumni with a special 1 dollar campaign (for every year since graduation).
o Communication about fund raising and spending through the Foundation will be shared periodically
• Monina Klevens, PTSA President attempted to motivate the membership to do more in support of DSA:
o Reasons mentioned for parent involvement included an evidence based improvement in student success, an opportunity for parents to serve as model problem solvers, and to meet the contract requirements of 20 hours per semester per parent.
o Actions parents can take include contacting the volunteer coordinator Cheryl Miller-Holmes to volunteer, contributing items, food, and funds to enrichment and the new DSA Foundation
o She thanked all the parents that have volunteered already, including Cheryl Miller-Holmes, Marilyn Dukes the volunteer monitor, and especially Marsha Tolbert for leading the picnic effort.

Report of the Executive Board
• None

Old Business:
• None

New Business
• None

• None

Next General Meeting September 9, 2012
Meeting adjourned 12:26 pm
Minutes taken by: Monina Klevens, PTSA President